Ways you can help the Yemen crisis

“Yemen is the largest humanitarian crisis in the world – and children are being robbed of their futures.”


Seeing the Yemeni children malnourished and in need of urgent care brings tears to my eyes in the same way I was struck that refugees in Clarkston went without basic healthcare resources a few years ago. I see my little brother in the yearning eyes of the Yemeni children that flash across my screen. The Yemeni must endure widespread famine, a civil war and war related injuries, and cholera. On top of the previously stated conditions, COVID-19 has exacerbated the situation in Yemen to the point of 24 million people now being in need of humanitarian assistance according to UNICEF. A responsibility to care for them in the way do for my little brother, even if from many miles away, grows in my heart each day the crisis continues.

Here are some of the ways we can help:

  • DONATIONS: UNICEF Save the Children UNHCR

  • Raise awareness through conversations with friends and family

  • Make calls to Congress (202-224-3121) and your representatives to request the U.S. facilitate peace agreements for the Second Yemeni Civil War


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